3X3 Magazine interview

A little self love is much needed these days. Illustration for The Girlfriend AARP.

A systemic data-driven approach to criminal justice reform for The Pennsylvania Gazette.

Why I have a Mentor for Tricycle Magazine

Staring Contest: How election reporters see us, and how we view them. My illustration for Columbia Journalism Review.

Thanks to all who purchased! 100% of my proceeds went to @thevoteriders. A non-profit that helps voters make sure they have the right kind of ID and information to vote in their state.

Thanks to the judges of 3x3mag Pro Show for two award winners and two honorable mentions!

It was great to see the large typographic lions, Patients and Fortitude, that I created for the newly renovated Stavros Niarchos building. This library is part of the main branch New York Public Library on 42nd and 5th.

When the Small Things Are Everything: for Amherst Magazine

Adapting to changing investing landscape: cover art for the indubitable SooJin Buzelli at Planadvisor magazine.

The Virus that Changed the World: Cover art for Columbia Magazine.

Politicians blocking critics on Twitter for Knight First Amendment Institute

I am honored to have two pieces selected for the American Illustration annual. One illustration is about poverty in America for The Souther Poverty Law Center, the other about monopolies for The Pennsylvania Gazette.
A Creative collaboration image I created for PR Agency Headstand Group.

Information repeated and unchecked on social media for The Brunswick Group

Cupid in quarantine for the The New York Times

How climate change uniquely threatens women, for Smith Alumni Quarterly

Linocutting big hands

Working together to save the planet, cover illustration for Smith Alumnae Quarterly.

Last nights Comic book Launch Party for Clinic Escort: Stories From the Front Line
Kronos Syndrome: companies that eat their young for The Pennsylvania Gazette.

Last nights Comic book Launch Party for Clinic Escort: Stories From the Front Line edited by Emily Flake at Babeland Soho. I had the honor of creating the cover art for Aisfor.Org, an organization that raises money for access to safe reproductive healthcare for women.

Target dated funds lead the way for Planadvisor magazine

Lunch shaming school children whose families’ cannot afford to pay. Illustration for Teaching Tolerance Magazine and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Logo design for 2K games

Cloud Chamber is a development studio for the next BioShock game
JohnBolton’s mustache

David Walker’s 1892 abolitionist document The Appeal, for Harvard Law Review.

From Russia with Love

Journalists finally reporting on climate change with a sense of urgency for The BrunswickGroup.

No Nukes for Harvard Law School Bulletin

-Setsuko Thurlow, activist with the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
115 portraits and 1 labradoodle

The goddess eats the peach!

This year holiday cards are for A is for Org
A is for is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing women’s reproductive rights and ending the stigma against abortion care.
I am honored to have four pieces excepted into the Society of Illustrators Editorial show.
PINK Is a Force of Nature

By Pen & Ink Brigade at The Diana Kane Boutique
Opening Nov 15 5-8
All proceeds go to FairFight Action founded by Stacey Abrams
46 portraits in 8 hours and some of the great people I met along the way at Athenahealth Success Summit in Austin.
Has TV Ever Gotten Abortion Right? for MotherJones Magzine

Unboxing of: The Illustrator-100 Best from around the World
A macabre cover illustration for The Writer’s Chronicle

Putting the care back healthcare, a cover illustration for The Pennsylvania Gazette.

Opposites Unite for Planadviser magazine

Sketchbooking with the kids at Society Of Illustrators Summer Illustration Art Academy.

A therapist learns more about her practice through her own therapy. Illustration for The Key Magazine and EmDash Design

My interpretation of John J. Audubon’s Wood Duck for this months Illustrated Aviary in Audubon Society Magazine.

I created this shirt to raise money for A is For because I believe the women of American can be trusted with their own bodies.

My art will be with you this summer in the waters of New York. Good luck swimmers!

Small towns wired for the future for Harvard Law Bulletin.

Thanks to the judges of 3x3mag for six merit awards and two honorable mentions, and the art directors who made these pieces possible.
Quetzalcoatl for an article about the archeological study of poop. Brown Alumni Magazine

Predatory lending for The New York Times Opinion Section

Artificial intelligence and the need for speed for Techonomy Magazine

Severe morning sickness for The New York Times

This portrait of jazz musician and professor Darryl Harper for Amherst College is the 96th illustration I have done for Ronn Campisi. Two things that never get old getting into the the American Illustration annual and working with Ronn.


Financial infidelity for Aarp The Girlfriend
The Tolerance Poster Show at up at Center / Architecture + Design in Philadelphia

A great discussion of political art at The University of the Arts with Mirko Ilic, Tim O’Brien , and Bonnie Siegler.

A financial illustration inspired by the Soul Train Dance Line for Planadviser

The epidemic of obstetric violence in Latin America for The New York Times Opinion.
Epic wait times for mammograms for Mother Jones Magazine
I agree with Madeleine Albright, just tolerating those different from us is not enough. My poster for TOLERANCE, The International Traveling Poster Project created by Mirko Ilic.
A professor of music picks his favorite jazz recordsfor Amherst Magazine.
I am honored to have four pieces accepted into the 2019 Communication Arts Illustration Annual.
Missing swimming outside: A Hudson river devil fish for New York Open Water’s Spuyten Dunville swim.
Bloomers an all-female comedy group Penn Gazette.
As the the 3×3 Show Chair this year it was my honor to help Charles Hively assemble this talented jury for the 2019 Professional Show.
As the the 3×3 Show Chair this year it was my honor to help Charles Hively assemble this talented jury for the 2019 Student Show.
End of Story: Modern Theories on Suicide for The New Yorker
It was an honor to be on this weeks cover of the The New York Times Book Review : Curses and Blessing in modern African fiction.
As a non-religious Jew who lives in a ultra-Orthodox neighborhood in Brooklyn, it was interesting illustrating this opinion piece about schisms in the Jewish community for The New York Times.
I have worked for many alumni publications, but this time I had the honor of illustrating the magazine cover for my own alma mater RISDXYZ.
Canned fish: Cibbows race T-shirt design
Yesterday was my birthday and I spent creating a rush illustration for The New York Times on Criminal Justice Reform. It was exactly what I wanted to be doing, my hope is to leave this planet a better place than when I got here.
I am honored to receive a silver medal from Society of Illustrators for the poster I created for A is For ’s event Broadway Acts for Women.
The Death Spiral of Local Newspapers for The Brunswick Group
One more logo for the cause and one more fun night out before Voting (also fun)!
Psyched to wear my new swim cap. Part of the graphics package I designed for the International Gay and Lesbian Aquatics Championships NYC 2019. A vintage gold token in honor of Stonewall50.
Opening tonight: Art as Witness SVA Chelsea Gallery?601 West 26th Street, 15th fl NYC
It was an honor to represent the women of #MeToo and their stories on the cover of this Sundays Review section of The New York Times.
BLUE WAVE for the Turn the Tide Blue show at Diana Kane to support Vote Riders
From brick and mortar to tech for Cio Magazine
Succumbing to death in the slums of Botswana for The Pennsylvania Gazette
I created a modern day Hester Prynne poster for A is For ’s event Broadway Acts for Women 2018.
I made some squid-o-licious hair for this years Triple Dip swim race t-shirt for Cibbows
VOTE! I just added this design to my shop. 75% of proceeds will got to Vote Riders
Vote Riders is a non-profit that helps voters secure IDs and know there rights in states with voter ID laws. Free shipping for orders over$45 till 90/10 code FREESHIP918cc3c05
Roth Conversions for PlanAdvisor magazine
My brain monster cover illustration for The Chronicle of Higher Education
An illustrated map for Parents Magazine, and all you parents with kids on summer vacation!
Three generations of ICON Workshop Chairs
A quick pose before our respective workshops at the ICON10 conference
What Men Say About #MeToo in Therapy for today’s New York Times Opinion Section.
One silver medal, three merit awards, and four honorable mentions. Thanks to the judges of 3×3 and the art directors who made these pieces possible.
Two sets of identical twins switched at birth for Bostonia Magazine.
Doctors healing doctors for Stanford Magazine
25 Lessons Learned from 25 Years in Illustration: My ICON10 workshop talk is sold out! 30 spots have just been added.
Seven pieces of mine have been acquired by the Library of Congress for their permanent collection.
Taking time to smell the flowers with someone you love for The Dallas Morning News.
Soth Korea’s economy: strong through the storm, for Chief Investment Officer.
It is an honor to have this animation for Harvard Business Review be a winner of an American Illustration International Motion Award.
It is an honor to have two pieces selected to be in the American Illustration annual, and two piece chosen this year.
Historians vs. Genealogist for today’s New York Times opinion section.
Love in the cut throat environment of academia for The Chronicle of Higher Education.
An illustration about colleges engaging in their local communities for Penn Gazette Magazine.
My little illustration for Fight4BirthControl campaign for Planned Parenthood and The Women Who Draw.
Women: together heard and believed for Smith Alumnae Quarterly
The diverse and vibrant acapella community for the cover The Penn Gazette
Freedom of Speech Cover for Smithsonian Magazine
I was asked by Maria Keehan? to re-envision Norman Rockwell’s painting Freedom of Speech for the cover of Smithsonian Magazine. Growing up in New York City I never felt Norman Rockwell captured the America I knew, so I use a friend from my childhood as my model, thanks Melanie Hope. Freedom of speech is most important when it is threatened, which is true now as it was when Norman Rockwell did his original paintings in 1943.
Freedom of Speech for the cover of Smithsonian Magazine
I was asked by Maria Keehan to re-envision Norman Rockwell’s painting Freedom of Speech for the cover of Smithsonian Magazine. Growing up in New York City I never felt Norman Rockwell captured the America I knew, so I use a friend from my childhood as my model, thanks Melanie Hope. Freedom of speech is most important when it is threatened, which is true now as it was when Norman Rockwell did his original paintings in 1943.
My corporate design for this morning #neveragain #BoycottNRA #BoycottFedEx
School Shootings
The fiery orange monster that hides under the editorial worlds bed for Columbia Journalism Review.
It’s great to see ones design out in the world. Good luck at today’s track meet Run4Fun!
I took me a while, but I think I found the perfect frame for this piece I did for Columbia Journalism Review. Part of a great show now up at Society of Illustrators.
Keeping balance while dealing with opposing forces.
It is a honor to be in exhibitions at The Library of Congress and University of Indianapolis that celebrate the work of women illustrators.
I have partnered with art.com to produce these free downoldable posters for Women’s March this Saturday. Happy marching!
#America #MLK
The narcissistic feedback loop of social media for Chronicle of Higher Education.
Don’t mess with the queen. My illustration for todays New York Times Op Ed.
Nice to be the poster girl for this years Communication Arts Illustration competition.
Sometimes I design stuff just so I can wear it. I’m looking forward to a nice swim January 1!
#youtoo #trump #metoo #notfitforoffice #grabthembythepussy
Immigrants welcome here
Exploring the world of lines, circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles. A little peak at Lines. The children’s book I did with Sarvinder Naberhaus.
A piece of a piece I am working on
The party of Trump.
I am honored to have illustrations for the New York Times, Columbia Journalism Review, and an animation for Harvard Business Review in this years the Society of Illustrators 60th Annual and exhibitions.
Deciding whether or not to come out at work for Fast Company.
A change of leadership ship for Plan Sponsor magazine.
A Novelist Dissects the Claustrophobic Evil of Jim Crow: an illustration for this weeks New York Times Book Review.
I have invented a device that delivers free unregulated birth control to the women of the USA.
An illustration I did for Columbia Journalism Review about how Trump has affected the reporting at The New York Times…and all our lives.
Bookstore sighting of Lines, my first illustrated kids book.
On October 18th I’ll be speaking at the Adobe Max Conference in Las Vegas, and I promise not to be boring!
The family tree you marry into for the Dallas Morning News
Executing a planned withdrawal from retirement accounts for Plansponsor where illustrating detailed and technical financial topics is always super fun!
The end of the Village Voice in Print
I did not go to art school for illustration, but learned on the job. Much of my schooling was done creating illustrations, with in hours of shipping, on site, at the offices of the Village Voice. Robert Newman, Florian Bachleda, Jennifer Gilman would call a I show up after my day job at a corporate design studio with ink, brushes and scratchboard. Thanks Stephen Kroninger for one of my first breaks by introducing me to Bob.
This dirty Jew remembers every penny thrown at him. An illustration I did for a powerful editorial piece by Nathan Englander in todays New York Times
When everyones got something to say. A small piece of an animation for Harvard Business Publishing.
Pussy Pattern for Smith Alumni Magazine
A great review from Publishers weekly for the recent Children’s book that I illustrated.
Sometimes all you need is good laugh. Working on an animation for Harvard Business Publishing.
Learning to love everyone. Thanks to Jessica von Handorf for asking me to create this series of illustrations for Mindful Magazine.
Leaning how to be compassionate fosters self-care for Mindful Magazine
Deborah Feingold shot these lovely photos of me. These images are part a series she is creating about illustrators.
Thanks 3×3 Magazine for the Bronze! and thanks Charles Hively for commissioning this art!
Discussing abstract art for Ronn Campisi and Harvard Law School.
A big thanks to the judges of the 3×3 Professional Show and the art directors who made these pieces possible
A little bird told me: retirement plan Q&A for Plan Sponsor Magazine
Learning language for Harvard Education
I had a good time today talking illustration with the students at Fashion Institute of Technology.
The queen of the heartless
This luscious lady lounging across the pages of the Communication Arts illustration annual. Thanks Judges, NY Times, and AD Audrey Razgaitis!
The efficacy of Antidepressants for Stanford Magazine.
The poster I illustrated for 3×3 Magazine just came in the mail. Thanks Charles Hively!
The Trans-Pacific Partnership may be dead, but my illustration for Ronn Campisi and Harvard Law Review will live on in the pages of American Illustration. Thanks Judges!
We Spoke #resist #trumpcare #muslimban
making birds fly #animation
A piece of a piece I am working on
Florida’ Stand Your Ground Law for the New York Times
#muslimban #unchristian #unamerican
Alexander hamilton’s inner kleptocrat for The Baffler Magazine.
Pushing other peoples buttons, retirement calculators for SooJin Buzelli at Asset International.
Impeach Trump (this mornings art fun)
Just another morning in America
Love on the dance floor for today’s New York Times
A little animation I did about Regression Analysis for Harvard Business Review, Enjoy!
My artwork and I were beamed, via internet to East Riding College In Yorkshire England for my first virtual lecture. Thanks Adam Corkett for inviting me!
Despite his HUGE size Donald Trump will be wearing.
It was an honor to illustrate today’s New York Times opinion by secretary of state John Kerry, advocating diplomacy over war.
Eight years ago I had the honor of being asked by Simple Scott to create artwork for this gentleman’s campaign.
The roles woman play on Reality TV (and off) for Barnard Magazine
When getting the perfect gift do not overcomplicate it. For todays New York Times
What’s in that box? An illustration about The Trans-Pacific Partnership for Ronn Campisi and Harvard Law.
Thanks Matt Dorfman at the The New York Times Book Review for asking me to illustrate this piece about a Hungarian mother cut off from her roots.
Trump Sniffles
Thanks RISD,Susan Doyle, and to all who came out to see us speak on Saturday. We had a great weekend! The show is up till Nov 5.
This just arrived in the mail this morning from the Directory of Illustration. Thanks David Plunkert for the wonderful design and asking me to do this!
Julia Rothman and I will be giving a talk at RISD on Saturday, October 8th. Our work will be on view at the ISB gallery from September 30th to November 5th.
Two pieces of pieces I am working on this week
New t-shirt art for CIBBOWS 3 or 2 or 1 mile swim out at Coney Island.
Swim with the Devil! New t shirt art for NY Openwater Spuyten Duyvil 10K
My curvaceous lady is in the New York Times today.
Sometimes you’re OK and sometimes you are just NOT, hand lettering for D.J. Stout a Pentagram Design
Back in the day when I use to drop off illustrations to art directors in person.
A lovely night of drawing under the stars with the ladies at Warby Parker.
Novel writing for Stanford magazine.
These two very disparate political portraits will be sharing a spread in the American Illustration 35 book. Big thanks to the jury!
The false threat of Narco-terrorism for David Sleigh at ProPublica.
Donald Trump , Trickster God for Patrick Jb Flynn at The Baffler Magazine.
Ladies Drawing Night at Hillary Clinton Headquarters
The effect of plummeting oil prices on retail for WWD Magazine. It’s great to work with Alexandra Citrin as a student and then as an art director.
Security for The Baffler Magazine
I enjoyed talking to the students at High School of Art and Design. So nice to meet Noggin fans all grown up.
Illustrators who design and designers who illustrate: I will be part of a panel discussion tonight.
Loss for the Chronicle of Higher Education
Fixing mistakes for SooJin Buzelli at Plansponsor magazine.
The Seven sister colleges for Smith Alumni Quarterly.
Another illustration for @stuntbox at @ProPublica.: The Narco-terror Trap, is the DEA stopping threats or staging them.
An illustration about the dangers of labeling people Narcoterrorists for ProPublica.
Donald Trump: Fire above fire below
Some Post-it nonsense for the Post-it 11 show at Giant robot.
Uprooted for The Baffler Magazine
I <3 flying
This one is for you ladies who love ladies and want babies. #NYtimes @NYtimes
I had a great time speaking at California College of the Arts and teaching a hand lettering workshop.
For all you in San Francisco, I’ll be speaking at California College of Arts on Monday at 7pm.
Subatomic particles behaving badly for Nautilus Magazine.
More steamy murder and mayhem for Harlequin Romance.
Boobs for The Baffler magazine
This weekends cover for the Washington Post.
Five pieces in the 3×3 ProShow. Thanks to the jury, Charles Hivley, the art directors and clients who made these images possible.
Limited edition poster for Dine Alone Records 10th anniversary. Never too old to scratchboard.
Another Harlequin Romance book cover. A small town were everyone sleeps with everyone else and in a surprise plot twist someone gets murdered.
Beck in 1991 I was a brand new illustrator doing sketches for the Village Voice and hoping to be like the big kids one day.
My first coloring book. @simonschuster @SimonKIDS #jaycolvin
Scratching an old itch
25 years of illustration promo cards
My almost teenager modeling the new reprinted hoodie of my old Quicksand smoker art.
A little drawing for Hazel Lee Santino and BFP Creative On-lined Paper show. Trying to be a little less macabre these days.
Germs, worms and random body parts for 50 Towers show
Pixelated animals for article on tech implementation for Scholastic Administrator magazine.
It’s always fun receiving printed samples from clients.
A scientific-ish diagram of metabolism for Real Simple Magazine
Some abstract conceptual financial fun for SooJin at Plansponsor magazine.
This Thursday, from 1 to 2:30, I will be giving a lecture at The University of the Arts in Philadelphia. Then from 3 to 4 there will be a reception at the von Hess Gallery, which is currently showing an exhibit of my work.
It is a honor to illustrate today’s New York Times editorial written by Ariel Dorfman about the effects of global warming on glacial melt in the Andes.
Coffee coffee coffee! @ronncampisi @AmherstCollege
The Case for Reparations for Penn Gazette magazine.
My limited edition silkscreen poster for Quicksand’s 2013 tour have just been added to my shop. There aren’t many left.
Some talkative worms for the Post-It show at Giant Robot
Stocking stuffer art sale
I have added a collection of small artworks and limited edition prints to my shop for the holidays.
41 pieces of art framed, catalogued, packed and now in Philadelphia for my solo show at The University of the Arts.
Another un-lost thing for Hazel’s group show at Brooklyn Fire Proof.
An un-lost thing for Hazel’s group show at Brooklyn Fire Proof.
Another bodice-ripping book cover for Harlequin Romance.
NYU as a big purple real estate eating monster for Chronicle of Higher Education
The burden of college loan debt for The Key Magazine.
7 hours from receiving the assignment to illustration going live on the New York Times website.
My Back to School cover for the Washington Post.
Sending off a set of my artist prints, which were acquired by the Library of Congress
My shoe collection for the Doodle for Hunger auction.
Dead bug pattern for Smithsonian Magazine and dead bug letter from a reader.
A fun day at the @NYTransitMuseum sketching with the kids from the Summer Illustration Art Academy@SOI128.
Back in my studio with lots of gifts and inspiration from @iconconference
Our final bow, the @iconconference board of directors
The @iconconference workshops have begun.
2am and I filled the last bag for Jordin’s Dime Bag show with this little zine.
Art inspired by living with my family, for the Tiny Trifecta show at Cotton Candy Machine.
Sometimes I do this and sometimes I do that
Five of my posters were acquired by the Library of Congress for their permanent collection.
Giving out AIGA scholarship money is always fun.
Some drunken hallucinatory mayhem for The New Yorker.
When Theft Was Worse Than Murder: hundreds of years of trial documents reveal our changing attitudes to violent crime, for Nautilus magazine.
I am excited to be teaching a workshop @ICONconference : Taming the Paperwork Beast, and yes I do color code my receipt folders.
Hate speech for California Magazine
This time I am the illustration. I’m psyched to be one of the New Yorkish things in Julia Rothman’s new book Hello New York.
I was thinking of my grandmothers loosing battle with late-stage cancer when I did this piece for todays New York Times Op-ed.
My first Harlequin Romance book cover.
New ink. Thanks for sending the picture Rene.
Working thorough my string obsession for Brown Alumni Magazine.
I am in The New Yorker this week.
A simple little illustration for Prevention Magazine.
My art for the Giant Robot Post It show: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
A pilgrim in Paris for today’s New York Times.
I was just awarded a gold medal from the Society of Illustrators, my day is done.
drawing some angry germs
My art for a group show curated by Jordin Isip and Rich Jacobs at the Park Life Gallery In San Francisco.
Ben Shahn mosaic type at Syracuse University where I Lectured yesterday.
government shutdown day 8
The creatures that spawned the US Congress.
Drinking Buddies. Designs for the Grimaldo’s Mile and Coney Island Triple Dip races.
Some slightly naughty knitting for a good cause. An animation for Oak Knit Studio.
I created this illustration for the iPad version of Prevention Magazine. It moves!
A knotted child’s dress for Hazel.
When creating art for a book cover one always hopes for good product placement.
Saying goodbye to art that was part of our collection on Gathered.com, featured on DailyCandy and sold in 5 minutes.
I did a piece for AARP magazine about colonoscopies and this one for Prevent Magazine about prostate screening. I think I have found my illustration niche.
on my door step this morning
beer + art + swimming
Five pieces in the 3×3 ProShow, I think that’s a royal flush.
Thanks to the jury, Charles Hivley, the art directors and clients who made these images possible.
Art fun yesterday at The Society of Illustrators yesterday with students from LaGuardia High School.
Lucky number 13 for Macmillan books.
I did some big illustrations for the little ones and Chicco baby products.
Last nights slightly naughty book signing, at BGSQD.
I did the cover art for Karl Marks slightly naughty book, We’re Here, We’re Queer, We’re Mad Libs!
illustration before the internet with Bob Newman
Back in the early 90’s, when I was only a few years out of school I had a full time design job on Lafayette street. Once a week I would pack my scratch board, scratching nibs, brush and india ink. This was the day The Village Voice closed, and I would sometimes receive a call from Bob, Florian Bachleda or Jennifer Gillman asking me if I would like to do an illustration for that evening. When 5pm came I would walk around the corner to the Bowery and head up to the art department. They had a great Michael Bartalos mural on the wall.
There would usually be another illustrator there too, the one I remember most is Paul Corio. One of the designers would give us our stories we would then do sketches and bring them in to Bob. He would pick one and then we had two maybe three hours to do the illustration. We would bring our finished illustrations up to the paste-up floor where they had the mechanicals for the whole paper laid out on tables. It was great fun and I’d like to thank Bob for one on my favorite memories of illustration before the internet.
I am on the baord
My Parsons class is graduating in a few weeks, so why not let them play with matches.
Brand new shirts that I did for P.S.321.
Two of my styles got together and had a baby.
Full page illustration for The Pennsylvania Gazette.
Class visit with Jordan Awan at the New Yorker.
I died and went to illustration heaven.
goodbye (718) 499-0985
The five day animation workshop with the MICA illustration grad students was a blast.
I am episode number 50.
Marriage equality vs. Supreme Court
Boom box
“Booming” is an online section of the New York Times which features stories for the Baby Boomer generation. As a regular contributor it is becoming clear I must be a boomer because many of the assignments resonate with me. This was for a column complaining about the overly loud music in restaurants. They are preaching to the choir. Laura Chang, AD.
Teaching my Parsons Professional Practices class the value of a dollar
Art by Randy Morales, and Vania Wat.
10 things your mother never taught you for Real Simple magazine.
Our art nest is in Uppercase Magazine.
A stressed out working mom does an illustration of a stressed out working mom.
I’m in train stations all over Hong Kong.
Luke, I am your father.
ICON 8 board meeting. We’re cooking up a good illustration conference for 2014 in Portland Oregon
I got funky with the illustration and type in this poster for The Agency Group.
Hand lettering in Mandarin and depicting Abby as the poor, tortured and lovesick Ophelia in a poster for Chan Can Dance.
Having a little fun with some fonts I designed for Nickelodeon.
Working out one of my weird object obsessions for the Post it show tonight in LA.
I can’t really hang my clothes on it anymore but it did get into American Illustration and Society of Illustrators.
The studio two weeks post storm: the plastic sheeting is down and all of the stuff is back up on the wall. No flooding thanks to the huge pit at the Whole Foods construction site across the street.
American Illustration party last night and an ICON illustration conference board meeting today, it’s a very illustrationy weekend.
Some new skin for my collection. Thank you Rob and Louis.
Getting tear sheets in the mail is like Christmas morning.
I found a new use for my massive design hoard….pin it.
Source: Uploaded by user via Melinda on Pinterest
I get paid for sex……. just working on some script lettering for Victoria’s Secret.
Coney Island Triple Dip swim t-shirt. The design was Inspired by my childhood spent in this city and at this beach.
Signing limited edition Quicksand posters at The Bowery Ballroom on Friday night.
this week I’m old school scratchin’
Honored to be the show Pixelated: The Art of Digital Illustration at The New Britain Museum of American Art curated by Scott Bakal.
Another group show and another unusual (possibly illegal) request.
grip tape art
I took a break from paper and decided to paint on Les.
Les will be my part of the group show Permanent Collection opening this Thursday in Chelsea.
Hand lettering I did for Saveur’s summer BBQ and I got to go and eat some scrumptious food by great chefs including: Susan Feniger, Gavin Kaysen, Francios Payard and Ben Pollinger. It was like my own personal Top Chef Masters.
….and on to the cover of this months Poetry Magazine
Something just few across my desk….
wearing the big skirt of self-doubt for Real Simple Magazine
I made some poison for The Wall Street Journal
23 years after graduating from RISD, I illustrated the “Egg Drop” for Independent School Magazine.
Dustin Hoffman as a dismembered horse for Grantland Quarterly Magazine.
interview with CMYK Magazine
working through my string obsession
Almost a decade ago a Moose and his little friend Zee came over for a play date. I made them costumes, built them a log cabin, and invented friends for them to play with. We celebrated birthdays and holidays and went on trips together. Now it is time to say good by. It was fun, thanks guys!
Just an angry woman with a wire hanger.
Something a little different for Ronn Campisi and Radcliffe Quarterly Magazine.
A nice road trip up north to visit with the students of New Hampshire Institute of Art.
Me and some of my art had a nice night out on the town at the Society of illustrators Editorial and Book show.
The girls getting some pointers from a book I illustrated for Macmillan.
stocking stuffer
My limited edition silk screen poster is now for sale online at the Spur Store. At only $24 it makes a nice stocking stuffer.
The objects in my house are talking to me.
I like to draw food as much as I like to cook it.
A spread from Caroline Hwang’s Communal Table cookbook.
Four days before the show at Spur and everything in my apartment seems to have something to tell me.
Last night I did my hair, put on my fancy shoes and went to the American Illustration party.
Before or Since: Day 1
I just finished my first two pieces for a show at the Spur gallery in Baltimore. I think things are off to a good start.
cooking up some hand lettering
Spring 1985: The first piece of art I ever made on a Mac
Fall is here but still finding a few moments to sneak out and have a little fun.
Don’t tell my kids but I am getting paid to play with chalk.
Nickelodeon station ID
It’s a good day at work when I say “I would like to do something a little Louise Nevelson meets Franz Kline” and the client says “sure”
NickJr . abstract construction 1 of 3 . station id from Melinda Beck on Vimeo.
An illustration for Wired Magazine.
An art hurricane on my desk today.
A day spent with just a paintbrush.
a peek at my hoard
some words of wisdom
I could not help but admire all of the pretty type at opening of the Parson Illustration Senior Show
which I had the pleasure of judging a few months back.
Pretty type by: Alexander Iezzi , Leslie V. Robertson and Hazel Santino.
The show was organized and installed by Jordin Isip and Taylor Mckimens
I created this design for NickJr after spending the day with my kids at IKEA.
interview with Grafik Tasarim, Istanbul
having fun with the letter N
fancy shoes and hairdos
a peek at my hoard
Every Designer and Illustrator has one and here is a little look at some of the Items I have
picked up in used bookstores and junk shops worldwide and some items even saved from the trash.
Some my most coveted items: they sit above my desk.
A nice big pile of Architectural Design magazine 1960-1962.
A Le Corbusier Book on the church at Ronchamp and Fortune Magazine with cover art by Léger.
a computerless day
remember Tower Records
Happy Halloween from my sketchbook.
I think they all stayed awake.
Sometimes I just feel like a big germ.
The invasion has begun.
my cuteness hat
I put my cuteness hat on while creating illustrations and hand lettering for the Chicco baby clothing and accessory catalogue.